
Last updated on 2021-07-06 01:10:15

Layout is the outermost structure for a project, usually consists of navigation, footer, sidebar, notification and content. There are also a lot of different layouts within a page.

Layout in Ant Design Pro

We abstract common layouts in Ant Design Pro, and put them in /layouts, includes:

  • BasicLayout: Basic Layout, includes header navigation, sidebar and notification.

  • BlankLayout: Blank Layout
  • UserLayout: Layout for login and sign-ups.


To manage mappings between routes and pages, we could configure config/config.ts as follows:

module.exports = [
    path: '/',
    component: '../layouts/BasicLayout', // layout for pages in routes
    routes: [
      // dashboard
      { path: '/', redirect: '/dashboard/analysis' },
        path: '/dashboard',
        name: 'dashboard',
        icon: 'dashboard',
        routes: [
          { path: '/dashboard/analysis', name: 'analysis', component: './Dashboard/Analysis' },
          { path: '/dashboard/monitor', name: 'monitor', component: './Dashboard/Monitor' },
          { path: '/dashboard/workplace', name: 'workplace', component: './Dashboard/Workplace' },

See config.ts for more details.

And more router config could be found in:Umi router

Router config for Pro

We extend some configuration for Ant Design Pro's nav menu and authority.

  name: 'dashboard',
  icon: 'dashboard',
  hideInMenu: true,
  hideChildrenInMenu: true,
  hideInBreadcrumb: true,
  authority: ['admin'],
  • name: display name in menu and breadcrumb. Note that it is the key of locales data, you can change display text in /src/locales/en-US.ts.
  • icon: icon type of menu item.
  • hideInMenu: whether hide itself in menu, default false
  • hideChildrenInMenu: whether hide it's children in menu, default false.
  • hideInBreadcrumb: whether hide itself in breadcrumb, default false.
  • authority: authority key, see more in Authority Management

Layout The component is a new component in Pro v4. Unlike the normal components, it is very heavy and integrates menus. Layout, header, breadcrumbs, set drawers and more.

Ant Design Pro Layout

ProLayout is a highly integrated React Component of Ant Design Pro. Looks this interface below:

For title and logo, Layout provides the title and logo properties. If you have more customization requirements, you can try the menuHeaderRender: (logo,title)=>ReactNode property, onMenuHeaderClick allows you Override the default click event.

  menuHeaderRender={(logo, title) => (
      onClick={() => {'');

If you need a custom menu, the siderWidth property controls the width of the menu on the right, and menuRender and menuItemRender let you customize the entire menu. menuDataRender can be used to customize menu data, which you can replace with data obtained from the server.

  menuDataRender={() => [
      Path: '/',
      Name: 'welcome',
      Icon: 'smile',
      Children: [
          Path: '/welcome',
          Name: 'one',
          Children: [
              Path: '/welcome/welcome',
              Name: 'two',
              Icon: 'smile',
              Exact: true,
  menuItemRender={(menuItemProps, defaultDom) =>
    menuItemProps.isUrl ? defaultDom : <a>open {defaultDom}</a>
    Hello World


PageContainer encapsulates the PageHeader component of ant design, adds tabList, and content. Fill in the title and breadcrumb based on the current route. It depends on the route property of the Layout. Of course you can pass in parameters to override the default values. PageContainer supports all the attributes of Tabs and PageHeader.

PageContainer must be wrapped by ProLayout to automatically generate breadcrumbs and titles.


Because SettingDrawer is too flexible and cooperates with umi-plugin-antd-theme has serious performance problems. Therefore, we do not recommend using SettingDrawer in a formal environment. You need to use human flesh for dating and add it via fetch: blocks.

SettingDrawer provides a graphical interface to set the layout configuration, which is convenient to show all the capabilities of Layout in the presentation environment.

Setting the theme color of the settingDrawer needs to be used with umi-plugin-antd-theme, otherwise the theme color configuration will not be displayed.

Nested Layout

At some point it may be necessary to nest the layout, and Pro-Layout provides enough apis to support nesting.

The code is configured as follows:

  rightContentRender={(rightProps) => <RightContent {...rightProps} {...settings} />}
  contentStyle={{ margin: 0 }}
    {' '}
  <ProLayout navTheme="light" menuHeaderRender={false} {...props} {...settings}>
         <PageContainer content="Welcome to your use">{props.children}</PageContainer>
      {' '}

Here you need disableMobile to disable the phone menu, otherwise it will behave abnormally under the phone.

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