Last updated on 2021-07-06 01:10:14
Ant Design Pro provides the well-designed abstract chart components based on the BizCharts. These components provide the ability to use with complex mixed view or just use along for common business usage.
Currently chart components have 10 type of charts and 2 type of chart suites:
- Pie
- Bar
- Gauge
- Radar
- TagCloud
- WaterWave
- MiniBar
- MiniArea
- MiniProgress
- TimelineChart
- ChartCard
- Field
Use Chart Components
The component library has been deleted in v4. If you want to use it, you can see Chart Component
Use BizCharts
If exists chart components is not what you want, you can just use BizCharts to customize your own chart components.
install BizCharts
Use npm in command line:
npm install bizcharts --save
And import into your project:
import { Chart, Axis, Tooltip, Geom } from 'bizcharts';
const data = [...];
<Chart height={400} data={data} forceFit>
<Axis name="month" />
<Axis name="temperature" label={{ formatter: val => `${val}°C` }} />
<Tooltip crosshairs={{ type : "y" }} />
<Geom type="line" position="month*temperature" size={2} color={'city'} />
<Geom type='point' position="month*temperature" size={4} color={'city'} />
Reference more demo。